Are you considering your team’s strengths and weaknesses and how you can develop their relationships? Would you like to include something into your next Awayday, team meeting or training event that can help individuals focus, in a fun way, on developing those relationships?
Step2Change was developed by two specialists – Debbie Standish and Basil Pinnock ( a qualified dance instructor, former lawyer and martial arts specialist. Both have worked in the corporate sector for over 20 years holding senior leadership positions. Their combined business experience, passion for dance and facilitating personal development has led to this unique offering.

Our offering
A 2.5hr workshop which promotes greater self and team awareness, which in turn will help to build stronger relationships, through the medium of salsa dancing. By using dance as a metaphor to view issues in the workplace differently, we can help break down barriers, and in the process, enhance working relationships, generate understanding of an individual’s impact on others and promote greater sensitivity and understanding of the complementary roles of leaders and followers.
As most, if not all, of the team will be learning a new skill, of which they have little or no experience, they are all “in the same boat”. So it makes no difference what role or seniority they hold, they are equal and all learning together.
This session is fun, highly participative, active and ideal for use within team meetings. Awaydays, training programmes and corporate events. The laughter and feel good factor that results enables team members to relax with each other and learning to take place more easily.
The benefits
Step2Change is passionate about ensuring our clients have clear, meaningful outcomes for their session. The workshop is designed by taking an initial brief from you on the team development issues you face. We then tailor the exercises during the session to illicit the right states for the most positive learning to be achieved. The best learning states are curiosity, high energy, healthy concern, enthused confidence and reflection.
We recognise there may be barriers to using dance as a metaphor for workplace learning – and that’s a good thing! Some team members may have self-limiting beliefs, perhaps thinking they can’t dance, they might make a fool of themselves or confused about how this medium can relate to team issues. We take all of this into account when designing the exercises so we turn these concerns into positive states for learning and indeed highlight the relevance of those barriers in their everyday work.
Some of the typical outcomes from our workshops are:
- Developing greater self-awareness and state management
- Improving communication through physiology
- Understanding and developing more active listening
- Taking risks – being more comfortable with feeling uncomfortable
- Appreciating the needs and roles of leaders and followers
- Fostering collaboration
- Importance of conviction – energy, engagement and commitment
- Developing others
- Adaptability
- Influencing
- Giving and receiving feedback to minimise conflict
- Building trust
Our approach uses the latest thinking in neuroscience and brain-friendly learning to help achieve a fun and stimulating session. Using a different medium to think about workplace issues enables you to use multiple intelligences, e.g. bodily/kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, verbal/linguistic and musical/rhythmic. Traditionally workplace issues are debated using verbal/linguistic and logical/mathematical intelligences in the main.
So try something fresh, creative and fun to engage your team. Add the session into your next Awayday, induction or team meeting to create some energy and invest in your team’s development. If you would like to discuss how we can tailor this session to help you achieve your team development goals in a different way, then we’d be delighted to talk to you.
Debbie 07887 506580 or Basil 07595 397184